Service Standards

We value our customers, both our own residents and those of our client co-ops. Our aim is to give all our customers a quick and easy service whichever way they get in touch with us.  We have a set of service standards which are our promises about what can be expected from us: 


We will all work together to: 

  • Make it easy for you to make contact with the right person. 

  • Ensure our communications with you are honest, regular and proactive from start to finish. 

  • Make sure our team have the skills and knowledge to resolve your questions and do this in a knowledgeable, respectful and friendly way. 

  • Work proactively to ensure our co-op clients’ businesses are compliant and their residents safe. 

  • Deliver all our objectives at the right time and keep everyone updated. 

  • If things do go wrong, we’ll do our best to respond quickly and put things right.

If you'd like to comment on our services we'd love to hear from you. Simply drop us an email to or call us on 020 3166 2608.