Brandrams HC

50 homes in the Rotherhithe area of the London Borough of Southwark.
Registered Office: Flat 1, Brandrams Wharf, 127-131 Rotherhithe Street, London SE16 4NF

Housing Management enquiries from Brandrams residents should be directed to Gemma Johnson.

Are you a single person looking for housing?

Brandrams Housing Co-operative keeps a direct housing waiting list for sole occupants.  Accommodation consists of rooms in shared flats.   This means you would have your own bedroom, but shared used of living room, bathroom and kitchen.

If you are willing to accept this, can demonstrate housing need and have a proven connection through living, working or studying in the London Borough of Southwark for at least 12 months, please contact



If you would like to make a complaint with Brandrams Co-op, please see a copy of the co-op's current policy below in 'related files'. This policy has been reviewed in 2020 to ensure compliance with the Housing Ombudsman Complaints Code 2020. The self-assessment form is also included in the files to evidence compliance. If you have any questions about this, please contact us.