Compliments and Complaints

We know that sometimes things go wrong. It really helps if you let us know straight away so that we can put things right as quickly as possible. We try to learn from our mistakes and our Senior Management Team regularly reviews complaints to ensure that we learn from them.


We want you to enjoy the experience of living in our homes or being one of our co-op clients. 

Please tell us if you're happy or unhappy with our services or with other issues related to your housing. We're committed to providing a quality customer service to all our residents and to help us achieve this we're open to comments, compliments, suggestions and complaints from customers on any part of the organisation. Its important for us to get this feedback, good or bad, as we use this to continually improve our service.

Complaints policy

Our Complaints Policy was reviewed in 2024 to ensure compliance with the changes made to Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code 2024, which became a statutory requirement for registered providers on 1 April 2024 and can be downloaded below.

Complaint Handling Code Self-assessment

The annual self-assessment for 2023-24 is also included below in ‘related files’. The Member Responsible for Complaints and the Board have considered and approved the self-assessment that Co-op Homes complies with all aspects of the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code 2024.

Annual complaints performance and service improvement report and Board’s response

The annual complaints performance and service improvement report for 2023-24 along with the Board’s response, is included below in ‘related files'. One of Co-op Homes' Values is ‘We Learn’. As a small provider owning and managing 300 homes the Board considers a summary of each complaint and the lessons learned from individual complaints.

Document Consultation

We'd also like to hear what you think about our documents, standards and policies as they're reviewed. Is there any other information you would like us to add? Have we missed anything? Your views on our services and performance is crucial and we would be really pleased if you would like to be involved in how we shape our services to you and all our customers as well as the information we produce.

Giving feedback is easy

So, whether you’re delighted or unhappy with any aspect of our service please let us know - if you want to compliment one of our team for giving you really good service, please click here.  If you have a problem with any Co-op Homes service, please click here.  We will do everything we can to put your problem right as soon as possible.