How are we doing?

At Co-op Homes we constantly review and monitor our progress to ensure we improve our customer service and value for money. In connection with this and in line with the Government's directive for all registered providers to collect Tenant Satisfaction Measures we are happy to share a summary of responses received from Co-op Homes' own tenants.

Why did we carry out this research?
We value our tenants' opinions. We used a specialist independent market research agency, IFF, Research to carry out this research. A key aim of the research was to gain a clearer understanding of our customers so we could better understand their needs and improve our services.

What were residents asked?
IFF Research asked questions about a number of services we deliver to our customers. This might include repairs, antisocial behaviour and communal cleaning.

Our tenants' comments and experiences help us to shape our services for the benefit of everyone.  The results will also be combined with those of RHP and submitted to the Government.  The Group performance will be published annually on the website of RHP.

Please see our scorecard as at November 2023: