May Day HC

Seventeen flats and houses located in Deptford in South East London

May Day Housing Co-operative has seventeen homes in Deptford, south east London. The estate was originally developed in partnership with CHISEL (Co-operative Housing in South East London) in the late 1980s.  May Day became a fully mutual independent co-op in 1992.

Co-op Homes is providing a full management service to the residents including rents, repairs, finance and governance administration.

For housing management enquiries please contact Kalpana Rimal 


If you would like to make a complaint with May Day Co-op, please see a copy of the co-op's current policy below in 'related files'. This policy has been reviewed in 2020 to ensure compliance with the Housing Ombudsman Complaints Code 2020. The self-assessment form is also included in the files to evidence compliance. If you have any questions about this, please contact us.